Jetpack Connection Error: Health Check and xmlrpc.php

Recently, I stumbled upon a very annoying WordPress Site Health error related to Jetpack. Despite trying multiple solutions like reinstalling the plugin, reconfiguring, and reconnecting, I consistently faced the same critical connection issue. Frustrated, I delved deeper for solutions, but found nothing relevant for a long time… until I did. Jetpack offers a couple of … Read more

What is fail2ban? The tools every Linux server admin must have

Introduction In the vast realm of Linux server administration, securing your system against unauthorized access is paramount. fail2ban It’s a powerful intrusion prevention software framework that plays a crucial role in this regard, providing server admins with a reliable method to protect services against various types of attacks. This article is designed to help Linux … Read more

Mozilla Observatory for Website Security: A Comprehensive Guide

Stay One Step Ahead: How Mozilla Observatory Can Improve Your Website’s Security Is your website as secure as it could be? With cyber threats on the rise, it’s imperative for businesses to stay one step ahead when it comes to protecting sensitive data. That’s where Mozilla Observatory comes in. This powerful tool is designed to … Read more