The Angular 18 Cheat Sheet Every Developer Needs to Succeed

In this comprehensive Angular 18 Cheat Sheet, I’ll walk you through the most essential Angular 18 updates that every front-end developer should know. Whether you’re a seasoned Angular pro or just starting out, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional web experiences. As an … Read more

eCommerce Product Image Optimization: Boost Traffic and Sales

As an experienced ecommerce manager specializing in SEO, I understand the crucial role that eCommerce product image optimization plays in driving traffic and increasing sales for your online store. Whether you’re a small business owner or a web developer, optimizing your ecommerce website for Google Images can significantly enhance your online presence. In this comprehensive … Read more

Jetpack Connection Error: Health Check and xmlrpc.php

Recently, I stumbled upon a very annoying WordPress Site Health error related to Jetpack. Despite trying multiple solutions like reinstalling the plugin, reconfiguring, and reconnecting, I consistently faced the same critical connection issue. Frustrated, I delved deeper for solutions, but found nothing relevant for a long time… until I did. Jetpack offers a couple of … Read more

Web developer productivity tools to boost your coding efficiency

Introduction to productivity in web development Web Developer Productivity Tools are essential for developers as they help streamline the development process, reduce errors, help with testing the code and ultimately, enable better management of time and resources. The importance of productivity tools for web developers Web Developer Productivity Tools can greatly enhance the workflow of … Read more

What is fail2ban? The tools every Linux server admin must have

Introduction In the vast realm of Linux server administration, securing your system against unauthorized access is paramount. fail2ban It’s a powerful intrusion prevention software framework that plays a crucial role in this regard, providing server admins with a reliable method to protect services against various types of attacks. This article is designed to help Linux … Read more

Responsive tables with CSS: Two Easy Methods

Introduction In the age of mobile-first design, ensuring your tables are responsive adapt seamlessly across devices is more critical than ever. Whether you’re displaying financial data, product listings, or sports scores, your tables must be readable and accessible, regardless of the viewer’s screen size. This comprehensive guide will walk you through creating responsive tables using … Read more

Angular 17 Server-Side Rendering: The Revolution for PWAs

Introduction The recent launch of Angular 17 has set a new standard in web application development, especially in the realm of Server-Side Rendering (SSR). In this article, we explore server-side rendering in Angular 17, a feature that revolutionizes how applications are delivered. As someone deeply involved in Angular development, I’ve always felt that the biggest … Read more

Understanding and Protecting Against WordPress Vulnerabilities

Introduction WordPress powers a significant portion of the web, renowned for its flexibility and ease of use. However, this popularity also makes it a prime target for cyber threats, leading to a variety of WordPress vulnerabilities. Therefore, in this article, we’ll delve into these vulnerabilities, understand their implications, and explore effective strategies to safeguard your … Read more

The Evolution of CSS: From Styling Sheets to Modern Web Design

Introduction The evolution of CSS, a cornerstone of modern web design, has always fascinated me. My journey began around 2005 when a friend, already a master of CSS, introduced me to its wonders. I was instantly hooked, realizing the incredible potential CSS had not just for creating beautiful websites, but also as a viable career … Read more

HTTP/2 WordPress Apache: How to Enable it on Your Site

Enabling HTTP/2 on your WordPress website hosted on an Apache server brings numerous performance benefits. This guide will walk you through the steps to enable HTTP/2 on your WordPress website hosted on an Apache server. Prerequisites of Enabling HTTP/2 WordPress Apache Step 1: Verify Current HTTP Version Before making any changes, it’s a good idea … Read more