Jetpack Connection Error: Health Check and xmlrpc.php

Recently, I stumbled upon a very annoying WordPress Site Health error related to Jetpack. Despite trying multiple solutions like reinstalling the plugin, reconfiguring, and reconnecting, I consistently faced the same critical connection issue. Frustrated, I delved deeper for solutions, but found nothing relevant for a long time… until I did. Jetpack offers a couple of … Read more

Small Business Website Hosting Solutions: Local vs. Cloud

Introduction: Exploring Small Business Website Hosting Solutions As a fellow entrepreneur and web developer specializing in crafting high-performance websites, I understand the confusion surrounding small business website hosting solutions. Choosing the right hosting solution is critical for the success of your small business website, and I’ve seen firsthand the impact it can have. You crave … Read more

Understanding and Protecting Against WordPress Vulnerabilities

Introduction WordPress powers a significant portion of the web, renowned for its flexibility and ease of use. However, this popularity also makes it a prime target for cyber threats, leading to a variety of WordPress vulnerabilities. Therefore, in this article, we’ll delve into these vulnerabilities, understand their implications, and explore effective strategies to safeguard your … Read more

HTTP/2 WordPress Apache: How to Enable it on Your Site

Enabling HTTP/2 on your WordPress website hosted on an Apache server brings numerous performance benefits. This guide will walk you through the steps to enable HTTP/2 on your WordPress website hosted on an Apache server. Prerequisites of Enabling HTTP/2 WordPress Apache Step 1: Verify Current HTTP Version Before making any changes, it’s a good idea … Read more

Ubuntu Commands for Web Servers: A Web Developer’s Cheat Sheet

Introduction As a web developer, having the right set of tools is crucial. When it comes to Ubuntu Commands for Web Servers, knowing the right commands can save you time and system resources. This article aims to provide you with the most useful Ubuntu commands for effective web server management. Understanding sudo The sudo command … Read more